
Basic search help

  • This search currently searches living collections and taxa (species-level) and Herbarium records. Herbarium records can also be accessed on the vPlants website for Herbarium data and images.
  • None of the search fields accept Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) operators.
  • You can use multiple fields during a search. The result is effectively an "AND" search. For example, a search for the botanical name of “Quercus” and a garden location of “China” will produce a list of all Quercus (oaks) that are also in the China collection.
  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • Searching for word fragments or groups of numbers will find the fragments anywhere in those fields. For example, if you search Botanical Name contains: "odiu" you will find both Taxodium and Heptacodium. And if you search Accession or Plant ID contains: “12” you will find both 112-89 and 90-2012.
  • If you include more than one word (or word fragment) in your search, BRAHMS will treat it as a string. For example, if you search Botanical Name contains: "Acer g" you will find Acer ginnala and Acer griseum.
  • Searches may be conducted on the basis of a plant’s name, a specific accession number, a garden area, or the source from which a plant was received. You can search plants of documented wild origin by using the name of the person who collected them, and / or the location from where they were collected.

Field-specific help / definitions

  • Plant Name:: This field can be used to search for all or part of a botanical name, common / vernacular name, or trademark.
      Botanical name: The scientific name for a plant taxon, in Latin and generally consisting of at least a genus and species. Example:Metasequoia glyptostroboides
    • Common / vernacular name: The name by which a plant is commonly known, which may vary by region. Example: Spicebush
    • Trademark: A designation used to refer to a plant selection for specific marketing purposes. Example: STATE STREET™ Miyabe maple
  • Origin or Collection Site: For plants of wild origin, the site from which they were collected, including both geographic and habitat information if it was recorded at the time they were collected. Potential searches here include country name (e.g., France), a state (e.g., Iowa), or a description of a particular habitat (e.g., dry roadside).
  • Accession Number or Plant ID: A number assigned to a plant, group of plants, or propagules of plants at the time that they are acquired and / or received. Accession numbers at The Morton Arboretum consist of the year received (two or four digits) and a serial number (e.g., 89-2002, 1-75). To find plants accessioned in a particular year, type a dash and the two- or four-digit year (two digits for pre-2000 accessions, four digits for 2000 and later). For example, if you want to find plants accessioned in 1989, search Accession Number contains: -89. If you want to find plants accessioned in 2007, search Accession Number contains: -2007. Multiple plants belonging to the same accession are separated by a plant ID number, consisting of the accession number, asterisk (*), and a serial number (e.g., 12-2004*2).
  • Collector Name: The person or persons who collected the plant, typically in the form of last name followed by first and middle initial (e.g., Schulenberg, RF). In the data, multiple collectors are separated by a semicolon and space.
  • Plant Family: The family to which genera of plants are assigned to (e.g., Fagaceae for Quercus, Castanea, and Fagus)
  • Source: The person or institution from which a plant in question was purchased, donated, or otherwise received.
  • Garden Location: The collection or other designated garden area where a plant is located (e.g., Quercus, Hedge Garden, Dwarf Woody Plants)
  • Tribute Name: The name of the person in whose honor or tribute a tree was planted at The Morton Arboretum.

Search results page help

  • Species List: Displays a list of all species that match your search / filter criteria along with thumbnail images.
  • Advanced Grid: Displays a list of records that match your search / filter criteria. By default, this list will show Living Collections records.
  • Images: Displays a grid of all images related to the species that match your search / filter criteria. Images are linked to species (for living collections) and specimens (for herbarium); you will not find a specific tree’s image but rather a compilation of all images of the species to which that tree belongs
  • Maps: Displays a map indicating the physical locations for all living collections records that match your search / filter criteria. Clicking on any of the square yellow map points will reveal more detailed information about that plant.
  • Help: This help page is more in-depth and includes detailed instructions about how to filter and manipulate the data.